Lawful To The Perfect Man

Thou art not perfect: do not eat, be mute, Inasmuch as thou art an ear and he a tongue, not thy congener:
God said to the ears, “Be silent.” When the sucking babe is born, at first it keeps silence for a while, it is all ear. For a while it must close its lips (and refrain) from speech, until it learns to speak;
And if it is not (silent like) an ear but makes babbling sounds, it makes itself the dumbest creature in the world.
He that is deaf by nature, he that had no ear at the beginning, is dumb: how should he burst into speech?
Since, in order to speak, one must first hear, do thou come to speech by the way of hearing.
Enter ye the houses by their doors, and seek ye the ends in their causes. There is no speech independent of the way of hearing except the speech of the Creator who is without want.
Masnawi, Volume 1, 1625.
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