Where Is The Place Of The Mature Person?
Where is the place of the mature person?
One time Sheikh Mahmud-I Neccar related this:
One day Alaeddin asked the Exalated Mevlana,“During the winter is it permissible to wash the top of the foot (while making one’s ablutions)?”
Mevlana said, “For you it is permissible.”
Then Alaeddin asked, “What is the meaning of the saying ‘The place of the true man is next to the chimney’?”
Mevlana explained the meaning thus:
"Whoever works in the summer and puts aside provisions certainly has the right to sit next to the fireplace and rest. Whoever is lazy and doesn’t work, doesn’t use his energy at some job and expend some effort, is of the weak and helpless ones during the winter, and is among those who haven’t attained their goal. And that person can’t take a place next to the chimney. This can also be an example for the next world. A word or sign is enough to the wise."
Ahmet EFLAKI – Legends of The Saints (Volume I, Chapter 3, Section 188)
Translated bu Carole J. DOUGLAS OKTEN
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