Climbing Out Of The Well

Mevlana also told the following story to the Friends:
"A grammarian had fallen into a well. A dervish of enlightened heart came to the opening of the well and cried: 'Bring a rope (risman) and a pail (dul), so that I might pull the grammarian out of the well!'
The grammarian, in his usual presumptuous way, objected: 'Say rasan and dalv, not risman and dul,' he called out.
"In that case, just stay in the well while I learn grammar' said the dervish, as he stopped his efforts to help.
Now, those who are stuck in the well of self-absorption and pride themselves on their spiritual progress will not be delivered until they gave set aside their vanity and pride and bow before the Friends of God. They will not walk on the wide plain of and spacious is God's earth, nor will they attain their goal. Enough said!"

Rumi and His Friends (Manaqib al'Arifin)
Stories Of The Lovers Of God


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