Hundred Heavens Like These Seven Heavens Inside

He (the Prophet) said, “He (God) doth not regard your (outward) form: therefore in your devising seek ye the owner of the Heart.”
(God says), “I regard thee through the owner of the Heart, not because of the (external) marks of prostration (in prayer) and the giving away of gold (in charities).”
Since thou hast deemed thy heart to be the Heart, thou hast abandoned the search after those who possess the Heart
The Heart into which if seven hundred (heavens) like these Seven Heavens should enter, they would be lost and hidden (from view). Do not call such fragments of heart as these “the Heart”: do not seek an Abú Bakr in Sabzawár! The owner of the Heart becomes a six-faced mirror: through him God looks upon (all) the six directions.
Whosoever hath his dwelling-place in (the world of) six directions God doth not look upon him except through the mediation of him (the owner of the Heart).
If He (God) reject (any one), He does it for his sake; and if He accept (any one), he likewise is the authority. Without him God does not bestow bounty on any one. I have told (only) one sample of (the sublimity of) the possessor of union (with God). He (God) lays His gift on the palm of his hand, and from his palm dispenses it to those who are the objects of His mercy. The unitedness of the Universal Sea (of Bounty) with his palm is unqualified and unconditional and perfect.

The Masnawi, Volume 5, 865

ArtWork by Sermed Berktav


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