Fetter Of Men

The preacher preaches to show the goal and to show the road and the traveler. When the imperfect shaykh and the poet recite poetry for explicating and showing, they become even more disgraced in the eyes of the knower.
Someone was speaking of fish. Somebody said to him, "Quiet. What do you know about fish? Why do you explain something that you don't know?"
He said, "I don't know what a fish is?"
He said, "That's right. If you do, tell me the mark of a fish."
He said, "The mark of a fish is that it has two horns, just like a camel."
He said, "Well! I already knew that you don't know what a fish is. Now that you've given the mark, I've come to know something else: You can't tell the difference between a cow and a camel!"

If the tulip didn't laugh so foolishly,
who would see the blackness of its heart?
Even if it's rolling in its own blood,
its face is worthy of the black-hearted.

Yes, but there is also this: "Speak to people in the measure of their intellects." That "measure of intellect" is their blight.

Intellect is the fetter of men,
love undoes the fetters
Intellect says, "Don't overdo it,"
love says, "I don't care!"

"Me & Rumi" William C. Chittick - The Profit and Loss of Study


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