Who Ate The Halva?

A Jew, a Christian and a Muslim were friends. They found some money and prepared halva. It was late: "We'll eat it tomorrow. But this isn't much. Whoever has a fine dream will eat it." Their purpose was not to give any to the Muslim.
The Muslim woke up in the middle of the night: "What is sleep? A deprived lover, then sleep?" He got up and ate the halva.
The Christian said, "Jesus, came down and pulled me up."
The Jew said, "Moses took me to gaze upon paradise. Your Jesus was in the fourth heaven. What are its wonders compared to the wonders of paradise."
The Muslim said: "Muhammad came. He said, 'Helpless fellow! Jesus has taken one of them to the fourth heaven, and Moses took the other to paradise. You're deprived and helpless. At least get up and eat the halva' So  I got up and ate the halva"
They said, "The dream  you saw - that was the dream! Ours was all imagination and illusion."
Be careful with this story! Watch what you imagine from it. Don't think in the end: "You went out to the garden, I secretly ate the honey and the medecine."

"Me & Rumi" William C. Chittick - The Profit and Loss of the Study


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