Griefs And Nuisances

“Doing a kindness always protects someone from being exhausted.”
Everyone has good and bad temper according to his / her level. Both goodness and badness reflect to deeds, words, intentions and opinions of human. It is possible to resist bad actions that our nefs will drag along us only when struggling with great faith and pleasure on this path.
Even, an almighty prophet like Muhammad wept, wondering if He had served His community duly, and requested their verification (consent) when He was about to decease.
Whatever we live in this life span is fleeting. You can be eternal if you serve kindly others, and, manage to enter someone's heart. True goodness and generousness is not having some benefits or going to the heaven; but showing these positive characteristics for love, with great faith and with no thought of getting a personal gain. The aim should be a human worthy of God and get His consent. The more you make an effort freeheartedly, the more you will reach those beauties.
Jalaluddin Rumi tells a story in Masnawi: “There was a preacher who invoked for bandits when he stepped up onto the mimbar. He raised his hands and said:” Oh my god! Pity for ill-hearted, for disobedient and for mean-spirited. Pity also for misbeliever, for those at church and for those mocking at donators. He never invoked for the cleans, but only for the dissolute people.
They said: “We did not meet any customs and traditions like this. It is not good invoking for those who have bad faith.”
The preacher said: “I received kindness of them. Then, I fell into a habit of invoking for them. They did so much harm and torture that they finally rescued me from malice and enabled me getting better. Whenever I was inclined to the world, I suffered pain and got a beating. That’s why I would choose goodness. Those people wolflike disciplined me. They assisted me to be a good human. Oh sensing man,  invoking for them is my duty.
A creature bemoans to God for the griefs and nuisances. He complains about them hundred times. And God says: As you see, the griefs and nuisances finally has made you beg me. They set you right.
Complain about those who hinder you from your path, move away from us! Every kind of enemy is your cure, indeed. It is a gain to you, relieves your heart because you invoke God, escaping from those people.
There is a saying like that: “To cross the Narrow Path.” Dear Rumi names it as this world. It is slimmer than the bristle, sharper than the sword…It means you will cross the Narrow Path if you move on without offending somebody, even if you are offended. However, you cannot cross it, you fall down if you hurt somebody, reply them with abusive language as a reprisal, no matter how much you worship, no matter how much you do a kindness. You have to be careful forever. What we say is not inutile. We are the customer of them. The way we behave will back us. Even if you are offended, you will not offend anybody. You will treat them well.

 In The Light of 1001 Hadiths - Hasan Dede

Translated by Cansu Zeynep Kaplantaş


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