For Those Whose Sustenance Is The King’s Countenance

See how every particle of the world is passing by.
See how everyone has arrived from a journey.
See how everyone desirous of his own sustenance has bowed his head before his king.
See how, like the stars, for the sake of its glow, are all fallen helpless at the foot of the sun.
See how, like torrents in quest of water, all are tumbling headlong towards their sea.
See how for each from the king’s kitchen a table is prepared according to his needs.
See how the sea of the world is contracted before their seadrinking cup.
And as for those whose sustenance is the king’s countenance,
see how their mouths are filled with sugar of the king’s beauty.
Behold with the eyes of Shams-i Tabrizi, see another ocean filled with pearls.

Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi (Mystical poems of Rumi- A.J. Arberry)


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