Divine Bread

Divine bread is a living wisdom and a living blessing. As long as you desire nothing else, it comes towards you and becomes your food.
We do not say, “Praise belongs to God” after a meal because there was a shortage of bread. Bread and blessings are without limit, but the appetite is gone and the guests are sated. That is why we say, “Praise belongs to God.”
The bread of revelation is very different from this worldly bread, because even with no appetite you can force yourself to eat as much worldly bread as you want. And since it is inanimate, you can drag it wherever you like. It does not have the spirit to withhold itself from those who are not worthy.
But Divine bread is a living wisdom and a living blessing. As long as you desire nothing else, it comes towards you and becomes your food. But should your desire fail, you will not be able to eat it, even by force. It hides behind the veil and will not show you its face.
Fihi Ma Fihi - Discourse 26


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