Selfless in the Right Way

Lay the whole of your “we” and “I” before Him: the kingdom is His kingdom: give the kingdom to Him. 

When ye become poor (selfless) in the right Way, verily the Lion and the Lion's prey are yours. Because He is holy, and Glory is His attribute: He hath no need of good things and kernel or rind.
Every prize and every gift of grace that exists is for the sake of the servants of that King (God). The King hath no desire (for anything): He hath made all this empire for His creatures. Happy is he that knew! Of what use should the possession of empires be to Him who created (all) empire and the two worlds?
In the presence of His Glory keep close watch over your hearts, lest ye be put to shame by thinking evil. For He sees conscience and thought and quest (desire) as (plainly) as a thread of hair in pure milk.
He whose clear breast has become devoid of (any) image (impression) has become a mirror for the impressions of the Invisible. He becomes intuitively and undoubtingly aware of our inmost thought, because the true believer is the mirror of the true believer. When he rubs our (spiritual) poverty on the touchstone, then he knows the difference between faith and doubt. When his soul becomes the touchstone of the coin, then he will see (distinguish) the (true) heart and the false money (of hypocrisy).
The Masnawi - Volume 1: 3140


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