Masked In The Form Of Conditionedness

(Some one asked him), “(Why) dost thou go bare-foot over thorns and stones?”
He said, “I am bewildered and beside myself and crazed.” Do not regard these feet (that walk) on the earth, for assuredly the lover (of God) walks on his heart; (And) the heart that is intoxicated with the Sweetheart, what should it know of road and stage or of short (distance) and long?
That “long” and “short” are attributes of the body: the faring of spirits is another (kind of) faring. You have journeyed from the seed to rationality: ’twas not by (taking) a step or (travelling from stage to) stage or moving from one place to another.
The journey of the spirit is unconditioned in respect of Time and Space: our body learned from the spirit how to journey. Now it has relinquished the bodily manner of journeying: it moves unconditioned, (though) masked in the form of conditionedness.
The Masnawi Volume 3, 1975


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