Made Up Of Four Elements

Mevlana once said; "Listen! You are made up of four elements. The first is the heat in your body; comes from the sun. Second is the air in your body; comes from the atmosphere. Third is the water in your body; comes from the seas. Fourth is the skin & bones; comes from the earth. One day they will each return to their essences. Where will you go?
Whatever you represent in this world, you will return back to." All prophets, Mevlana Rumi or the other saints all live in the hearts of those who love them. They worked to win people's hearts and death did not touch them. If you represent the Divine, have no worry; as long as the world exists you'll be remembered...Strive to figure out the right things to do; He knows where to invite you to...(to be continued)
Discussions on Rumi...Hasan Dede's Own Words By Ayşe Özalp and Carole J. Douglas


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