Real Human Being

One day Mevlana went to the hot springs. By that time some lepers were using the pool. When attendants saw Mevlana, they wanted to get the lepers out of the pool, fill it with clean water. Mevlana did not want that and got into the pool with the lepers.
They had a friendly time together; pouring water on each other and chatting. Their sores were healed by the water Mevlana poured over them...
It is not easy to be a real human-being. We should accept that God gives the pain and God gives the remedy as well. Since you are His envoy, you will bear everything. He is testing you; He does't accept "I can't...I won't." He rules based on the beneficiery of all universe...(to be continued)

Discussions on Rumi...Hasan Dede's Own Words
By Ayşe Özalp and Carole J. Douglas


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