Greetings From A Friend

Bahauddin Bahri (May the Mercy of God be upon him) told us that, one day, Chelebi Husamuddin (May God sanctify his pure mystery) said:
Seven years had passed since the death of my shaikh, and I hadn't seen him in a dream. I looked for him in that other world, realm by realm, but had not been able to find him, and no one could give me a sign of him, for he had no signs.
    Who would look for a sign of you, since you have no sign?
    Who will find your place, since you have no place?
Not knowing what to do, my strength was waning. Suddenly, one day when I was walking in the garden, I saw that the door of the ninth heaven opened:
"O Chelebi Husamuddin, how are you?" I heard our Master say.
I saw nothing more. However because of the grace in this blessing of this majesty without qualities asking, "How are you?", I have for years been plunged in contemplation of that Being beyond compare.
And Chelebi added: "There are thousands of assemblies beyond, but this assembly is even more beyond, because it is even more without a sign within this world that has no sign."
Rumi and His Friends
Stories of the Lovers of God
Excerpts from the Manaqib al-'Arifin of Aflaki

Manuscript: ḤusĀm Al-Dīn Chelebi, in a Dream, Sees the Prophet MuḤammad Reading Rūmī's Masnavī


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