The Spirit's Longing

That glory among Saints and reciter of the Masnawi, Sirajuddin (May the Mercy of God be upon him), our teacher, told us:
Mevlana constantly repeated three verses which he taught to Husamuddin, and he said, "Learn them by heart, as I have, as a remembrance from my Shaikh, Sayyid Borhanuddin Mohaqqiq of Tirmidh (May the Mercy of God be upon him)." The three verses were:

The spirit has its origins in the Light of God's Throne,
while the human body consists of the dust of the earth.

The Almighty has established a harmony between them,
so that they might receive His Trust
and have the strength to bear all hardships.

The Spirit is in exile, while the body is in its own country; 
have pity then on this spirit, that is a stranger,
filled with longing and far from home.

Mevlana wept and then said;

Say to the one who is troubled, keep searching,
but try as you might
you'll never find a beloved as sublime as This!

Rumi and His Friends
Stories of the Lovers of God
Excerpts from the Manaqib al-'Arifin of Aflaki

Manuscript: Religious Dispute Between Rūmī and the QaḌi SirĀj Al-Dīn Ormavī


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